Wir berichten über Gott und die Welt
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Song «ALWAYS» von Forrest Frank

«ALWAYS» von Forrest Frank

Nichts kann uns von Gottes Liebe trennen.
Publiziert: 16.04.2024


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Forrest Frank ist ein US-amerikanischer Singer-Songwriter, der auf Instagram und TikTok aktiv ist.

«ALWAYS» von Forrest Frank
Wherever you go, wherever you stay
Don’t you forget that love is always coming your way
No matter how far, how broken you are
Don’t you forget that love is always coming your way
Always (Ayy, look)

[Verse 1]
I don’t know you, but I know you got tension in your neck
Stressed out, too addicted to your phone to go to bed
If that’s you, then take a breath
Yeah, feel these words inside your chest

You are loved, you are chosen, your body isn’t broken
For every door that closes, a better one gets opened
You got a light inside, too radiant to hide
If you don’t think so, let me change your mind

Wherever you go, wherever you stay
Don’t you forget that love is always coming your way
No matter how far, how broken you are
Don’t you forget that love is always coming your way
Always (Yeah, ayy, yeah, ayy)

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